World Economic Outlook - World Bank Group

Impact of the Chapter section oil-producing countries: 0 years trend ... Growth of the world economy has been also decelerated this year. By the suppression of investment, growth potential of the prospects of the emerging developing countries are weakened. Led by fear of the intensification of trade friction, the risk of the economic outlook can be said to continue is tilted to the downside direction. The other concerns the expansion of debt, and the like, thereby corresponding to the deterioration of the economic situation by emerging developing countries authorities, also investment to boost growth may be inhibited. It is necessary to reform in order to improve productivity and promote private investment, especially in low-income countries that face a more serious challenge than was experienced in the early 000's, the need is high. World economic forecasts 0 years of growth of the world economy, reflecting a slowdown in investment and more than expected trade at the beginning of the year, are expected to slump to.. Although the subsequent 2.0 years is expected to turn gradually upward to the.